
mi casa es su casa

One of the biggest lessons I'm learning right now, is to hold all this "stuff" we have, with an open hand.  On the weekends, and during the week for that matter, we have a constant stream of kids flowing in and out of our house.  As a result I have grimy toys, two huge scratches in my kitchen table, and VERY dirty floors. 

I think it's great that we have "the fun house".  I love that the church kids feel comfortable coming over and spending hours and hours at a time playing Game Cube, "House", and eating my food.  I love the fact that Anna has playmates (albeit playmates much older than her)... and that I sort of get a break when they're around... because they LOVE her and entertain her to no end.

And I love that it blesses their parents!  Who wouldn't like a few hours of quiet while your kids play at someone else's house!  It gives these ladies a chance to fellowship at the church (2 doors down) and not have kids screaming and running around.

So although I hate sweeping and mopping this house on a constant basis, I absolutely love having a houseful of kiddos.  The older ones have even taken to spending the night or nights whenever they don't have school.  And you know what?  I love it!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures!!! I love reading about your life down there!! =)

Anonymous said...

Ahh the rewards you guys have adding up in heaven :) Ya'll have made an impact on these childrens lives that will stay with them for life. God Bless you two!

Anonymous said...

Anna is so BIG now! When I first found your blog she was like 4 months old, I think. Wow.

What fun times with all those kids - my 3 year old was amused by everyone playing with the "house" in your last pictures; everyone of all ages plays with ours, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Hospitality doesn't have a language, huh? ;)

Anonymous said...

How cute are you! Truly amazing all that you do for yourself and family!

Anonymous said...

Cool pictures,and everything that you do :)

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic journey! And Amen for keeping not only your heart but your home open... it says a lot about you and your family. May the good Lord continue to bless you as you are blessing so many (just think of the generations they will touch because of your families tender love). I look forward to hearing more about what God is doing in Panama. :)

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie you are!