
isn't this just so like a man?

This is what I found when I stepped out the front door just a few minutes ago:
Me: "Honey, why is there dog food all around the bowl?"

Hubby: "Well, the bag was almost empty and I was trying to finish it off. I guess it didn't all fit in the bowl."

Me: "Why didn't you just save it for tomorrow?"

Hubby: "I wanted to make room for the new bag of food."

Me: (very confused)... (long pause)... "I gotta get my camera."


Anonymous said...

I knew immediately when I saw the picture: Either husband or child!

Anonymous said...

Hahahah! That's funny. :-) Except Justin would never do that because he's much too much of a neat freak. :-P

Anonymous said...

LOL! Men and Women have 2 differnt brains!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Too funny! Hope your dog likes ants in it's food cause that is gonna attract bugs.

Anonymous said...

such a man, they are like toddlers sometimes.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA I'm with Mandy...I totally knew what the story was before reading it! LOL Sad thing is, I do believe I've done something like this in the past. haha

Thanks for stopping by my blog on Friday when it was featured on SITS! I just got in town and visiting everyone now. Love your blog!


Anonymous said...

You're just like me! I always run and get my camera! The other day my daughter climbed into the cat litter box. Should I have grabbed her out right away? Probably, but I took a picture first. Then she went straight into the tub. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL that happens at my house a lot :) just not with the dog food hahaha

Anonymous said...

Thank god of for digital cameras so you could share this right away. The male and female brains really do work differently!

I love the blog, if you can stop by mine. I've got a fun contest running just for moms:


Anonymous said...

lol that's too funny!

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Oh um, ahem....sorry about that! :D That is so stinking funny!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that logic runs in the family...

Anonymous said...

I am cracking up - this is SO my husband!!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. It happens at my house all the time, too, though not quite to this extent.

What a man! :)

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! If your husband is anything like mine, he STILL probably doesn't understand what all the fuss is about.

Anonymous said...

LOL it is such a GUY thing!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Priceless

Anonymous said...

I just read your profile and wanted to say hello!
I see that your church is Calvary Church. We go to the Spring Valley - Las Vegas location. When we were living in San Diego we attended Horizon Fellowship Church.
I really enjoyed my visit to your blog.
Have a Happy WW Day!

Anonymous said...

LOL, seriously men are from another planet. My guy is the same way. one time he totally messed up the house for a weekend I wasn't home and when I saw the mess he made I was super mad. He made up for it though after buying me a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings from www.idonowidont.com

I forgot about the mess quickly after that, haha. Guys are sweet and dopey. Next time he makes a mess like that, tell him to pick you up a nice piece of jewelry from that site as a way to say sorry!

Anonymous said...

That is sooooo funny!!! Isn't it just like a man to do that.

BTW, you have an award waiting for you on my blog http://happycamperdisaster.blogspot.com/