
Waiting for Anna

Eric had the day off today, and it was perfect weather for a beach trip. After a yummy cinnamon roll breakfast we packed up and headed to Huntington Beach. The dog beach is so much fun during the summer. Scarlet is not the least bit interested in playing with any other dogs, so she rests comfortably under my beach chair the entire time. But Eric and I love to watch the "real dogs" play in the water, chase balls, and have fun. It's so fun to try and figure out the breed or breed mixes, and is especially entertaining to check out doggie outfits. Today we sat next to two white poodles each sporting a light pink tank top with the word "Princess" in rhinestones! How ridiculous! The water was just beautiful and it felt so good to dive under and jump over the cold waves... Scarlet watched from afar of course!

1 comment:

Paige said...

Oh how I miss those California beaches! What fun!