1. A GIANT, ENORMOUS, NASTY grey slug about 6 inches long and at least an inch in diameter. Normally, I would have grabbed my camera, but I was literally so disgusted, that I had to go take a shower while my husband disposed of it.
2. A very fussy kid who I think has thrown herself into the terrible two's a bit early. At least that's the diagnosis of our American friend who is a Child Psychologist. That makes me feel a lot better actually, because her wild screaming fits are becoming nearly unbearable!
3. A medication-resistent fungus that has taken over my right foot and has now appeared on all of my fingers. No shame here. I'm way past shame.
4. Giant fuzzy black ants, two of which have made it into my mouth by lying in wait on the rim of my juice filled glass, just waiting for me to take a drink! It was not pleasant. Not pleasant at all.
5. Rats. Yes, as if the giant cockroaches, centipedes, millipedes, slugs, ticks, biting ants, mosquitos, and flies weren't enough, we have now seen grey rats running through the kitchen. Beautiful.
6. Piles and piles of smelly laundry. Not by choice, mind you... but we have just come out of a solid week of non-stop rain. It's impossible to dry clothes on the outdoor clotheslines, and only slightly less impossible to dry clothes by draping them all over the inside of the damp house. And so they sat. In the hamper. And mildewed. And I am now diligently trying to salvage our clothes and wash out the stench. Thank God for the past two days of sunshine!